rope access - We Have Moved.

We Have Moved Premises.
Townview moved out to 202 Parramatta Road last June.
Since then we have expanded drastically and were left with no choice other that to search out a larger premises to cater for our client servicing needs.
Rope Access Equipment and Loads of Building Maintence Tools and Equipment.
With a little searching and some help from the boys at Raine & Horne Commercial we found the ideal place.
351 Trafalgar Street, Petersham, NSW, 2049.
We now have three times the floor space and most importantly, our very own internal climbing section so that we can drill any rope access rescue and work position scenarios.
Everything is still bit messy, but a few more weeks and we should have it all sorted out.
Drop in any time and say Hi!
Cheers, Mike King.
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