Friday, June 30, 2006

End Of Another Financial Year.

Another exciting year for The Townview Group winds up with a great completion this week by the boys. The rain has given us a good break here in Sydney and we have been full into production for about two weeks now.

This last month has seen us form into a very stable and productive team with the following successful actions occuring.

We have continued to outsource Axe's Services for our window cleaning works and have also been using one of their technicians, Adam on our painting job just to top up the team for the past fortnight. Thanks to Tristen and Kev for their help.

Leigh at 5th Point has been absolutely fantastic in supplying us with a number of excellent Level II and Level III Technicians again to help us fill in the short fall in demand over the last two weeks, Thanks to Pete, Ivan, Dennis and Chris. And a big thanks to Leigh for backing us up. Make sure you put in the bill.

In the office we have just started a new guy, Paul, in the office as well as helping out with job organization and client liason. This has been a great benefit already and he has only been here for the first week. He and Wendy, our lady behind the company, have really formed a fast organised team. With the use of L Ron Hubbard Management Technology, this has been a breeze.

Maureen in Treasury has had a very tough year with finances being very tight through a lean Autumn but has held the team together through strict policy on channeling the money into the correct areas. She is extremely good at saying "no".

Myself, 2005 - 2006 has been probably the maddest business year of my life. But despite culling through technicians and only keeping the best, we has ended up with a pretty hot and friendly team.

On the tools, Dennis, Dan have been fantastic. On the glass, Ian and Tom have been The Crew. And myself, I am gonna have a big one the year to come.

All the best to Joe, where ever you are. Also two undisclosed characters who requested to have their names removed. Or at least one represented the two. Feel free to comment in the comment link below. Only nice comments accepted or I will edit it out with my net rubber. Hope you guys all do well.

Again, thanks to all the Townview Team and I look forward to a great year once again.

A big thanks to all of our clients for choosing our services and I hope that we can deliver the quality that you are after well into the future.

A big thanks to all the guys at Andersal Engineering. All the supervisers, Pete, Eddie and Jacques. You have all been a pleasure to work with. The big fella, Henk and Richard and the girls in the office that are always extremely friendly and helpful.

George at Century Tower. Thanks to you and a big year to come.

All the guys at Jackson's Landing. Especially Jodie. You will have an invite to our Christmas Party for life.

And thanks to all of our other clients. I would love to give you all a word and hope that in the future news letter or pod casts I can.

Cheers, Mike King.

PS. I look forward to the production of The Townview Podcast Series. It is gonna be hot.

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Chow chow.


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